
CIDOC documentation: E18 Physical Thing and E53 Place

A place can be e.g. a continent, a city or a graveyard. For step by step instructions have a look at our Places.

On the index page already entered entities are listed in a Table.

  • Click on the + button to enter a new one.

  • Click on the name of an entry in the list to access the detail view.

  • To edit or delete an entry click on the Edit button in the detail view.

Form fields

You can edit administrative units and historical places at Types in the Places tab.

Administrative Unit

Hierarchy of administrative units in which the place is located, e.g. Austria, Italy and their respective subunits like Lower Austria, Styria.

Historical Place

Hierarchy of historical places respectively historical administrative units in which the place is located e.g. Duchy of Bavaria or Lombard Kingdom.

Can be linked via tabs to

  • Source - when it is referenced there

  • Event - link new events. It’s not possible to link to existing events from here, this has to be done from the events itself

  • Reference

  • Artifact

  • Actor - only creation of new actors (using the place as a residence) is supported here because for linking to existing actors there would be too much possibilities

  • Feature - its subunit

  • File

Places and their subunits

In OpenAtlas a place is a physical thing that has a certain position and/or extends in space that can be connected to various other information (temporal, spatial, events, sources etc.). Furthermore, places can be divided into multiple subunits to record archaeological information. For more information on those subunits see Feature, Stratigraphic unit, Artifact, and Human remains as well as a detailed workflow example (Archaeological data).

An example of a place would be a graveyard. That place is the superior unit. Each grave of this cemetery is considered a Feature that forms the cemetery. Each of those graves is composed of one or many subunits (Stratigraphic unit). This would be the burials in the very grave (e.g. a primary and a secondary burial) and the back filling. Each stratigraphic unit may have associated Artifact belonging to the respective unit: e.g. the grave goods of one of the burials, the artifacts found in the back filling. Anthropological information can be added via Human remains - another subunit of stratigraphic unit.


Adding multiple places

It is not possible to link more than one place (or their subunits) to one artifact. This problem can be solved by using Move events. Please go to Artifacts for more information.