OpenAtlas shortcuts

OpenAtlas uses several shortcuts in order to simplify connections between entities that are always used the same way. All shortcuts can be resolved according to CIDOC CRM specifications and are valid links. These shortcuts are indicated by a preceding OA in combination with a number. Currently OpenAtlas uses 3 shortcuts:

OA7 - has relationship to

OA7 is used to link two instances of E39 - Actor via a certain relationship; in that way an actor can be linked with an actor. E39 - Actor linked with E39 - Actor

E39(Actor) - P11i(participated in) - E5(Event) - P11(had participant) - E39(Actor)

Example: [Stefan (E21)] participated in (P11i) [Relationship from Stefan to Joachim (E5)] had participant (P11 [Joachim (E21)]

The connecting event is defined by an entity of class E55: [Relationship from Stefan to Joachim (E5)] has type (P2) [Son to Father (E55)]

OA8 - appears for the first time in

OA8 is used to link the beginning of a Persistent Item’s (E77) life span (or time of usage) with a certain place. E.g to document the birthplace of a person.

E77 - Persistent Item linked with a E53 - Place.

E77(Persistent Item) - P92i(was brought into existence by) - E63(Beginning of Existence) -
P7(took place at) - E53(Place)

Example: [Albert Einstein (E521 was brought into existence by (P92) [Birth of Albert Einstein (E567)] took place at (P7) [Ulm (E53)]

OA9 - appears for the last time in

OA9 is used to link the end of a Persistent Item’s (E77) life span (or time of usage) with a certain place (E53). E.g to document a person’s place of death. E77 - Persistent Item linked with a E53 - Place.

E77(Persistent Item) - P93i(was taken out of existence by) - E64(End of Existence) -
P7(took place at) - E53(Place)

Example: [Albert Einstein (E21)] was taken out of existence by (P93i) [Death of Albert Einstein (E69)] took place at (P7) [Princeton (E53 - Place)]


For dates, data is stored in the table model.entity respectively in the fields begin_from, begin_to, begin_comment, end_from, end_to, end_comment as timestamps. Depending on class of the entity respectively the domain and range classes of the link, these dates can be mapped as CIDOC CRM E61 - Time Primitive entities.

E77 - Persistent Item

E77 Persistent Item begin linked with a E61 Time Primitive:

E77(Persistent Item) - P92i(was brought into existence by) - E63(Beginning of Existence) -
P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)

Example: [Holy Lance (E22)] was brought into existence by P92i [forging of Holy Lance (E12)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of Forging of Holy Lance (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [0770-12-24 (E61)]

E77 Persistent Item end linked with a E61 Time Primitive:

E77(Persistent Item) - P93i(was taken out of existence by) - E64(End of Existence) -
P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)

Example: [The one ring (E22)] was destroyed by (P13) [Destruction of the one ring (E6)] has time span (P4) [Moment of throwing it into the lava (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [3019-03-25 (E61)]

E21 Person

E21 Person’s Birth linked with a E61 Time Primitive:

E21(Person) - P98i(was born) by - E67(Birth) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) -
P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)

Example: [Stefan(E21)] was born (P98i) [birth of Stefan (E67)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of Stefan’s birth (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1981-11-23 (E61)]

E21 Person’s Death linked with a E61 Time Primitive:

E21(Person) - P100i(died in) - E69(Death) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) -
P81(ongoing throughout) - E61(Time Primitive)

Example: [Lady Diana (E21)] died in (P100i) [death of Diana (E69)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of Diana’s death (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1997-08-31 (E61)]

E2 Temporal Entity

E2 Temporal Entity (also property) begin linked with a E61 Time Primitive:

E2(Temporal Entity) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) -
E61(Time Primitive)

Example: [Thirty Years’ War (E7)] has time span P4 [Moment/Duration of Beginning of Thirty Years’ War (E61)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1618-05-23 (E61<e61-time-primitive>)]

E2 temporal entity (also property) end linked with a E61 Time Primitive:

E2(temporal entity) - P4(has time span) - E52(Time Span) - P81(ongoing throughout) -
E61(Time Primitive)

Example: [Thirty Years’ War (E7)] has time span (P4) [Moment/Duration of End of Thirty Years’ War (E52)] ongoing throughout (P81) [1648-10-24 (E61)]

Radiocarbon dating type

To track radiocarbon dating, OpenAtlas links a stratigraphic unit (E18) to a type (E55) based on CIDOC CRM classes and properties:

Domain: Stratigraphic Unit as E18 - Physical thing Range: E55 - Type

E18 (Stratigraphic Unit) - P2 (has type) - E55 (Type)

This specific type is named radiocarbon dating and is only used for this purpose. At the same time, the property (P2) has a description linked to it via:

P2 (has type) - P3 (has note) - E62 (String)
P2 (has type) - P43 (has dimension) - E54 (Dimension)